Chemical recycling - Test your knowledge!
Chemical recycling of plastics is an emerging sector that provides concrete solutions to the management of the end of life of plastics. As a driver of change and innovation, the chemical recycling of Pyrowave's technology allows the reintroduction of plastic waste in the manufacture of new products and packaging.
Test your knowledge on the chemical recycling of plastics by answering the following questions!
AnswerNoPyrowave developed a technology powered by microwaves, which can use renewable electricity. This unique process uses less energy and has a low-carbon footprint. It uses resources efficiently while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.QuestionIs chemical recycling
energy intensive? -
AnswerNoThe global demand for plastics is growing rapidly, so recycling cannot meet it – at least not yet. Recycling reduces the demand for fossil fuel and reduces the environmental impact of plastic waste at the end of life. While we should rethink some of our usage of plastic when there is a better alternative, Pyrowave’s electrification of chemicals processes aims at regenerating hard-to-recycle plastic waste. Chemical recycling is part of the portfolio of solutions to better manage plastic waste end of life.QuestionCan recycled plastic supply the
demand for virgin plastic? -
QuestionIs chemical
recycling mature?AnswerYesChemical recycling technologies have greatly advanced over the last 15 years. New technologies based on innovative, state-of-the-art, more efficient and environmentally friendly principles are entering the industrial stage. Some chemical recycling technologies, including Pyrowave, have announced commercial projects where their innovation will be brought into industrial phase within the next 5 years or less. The maturity challenge now lies in the supply chain, and public policies to stimulate the demand for recycled content.
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chemical recycling!
Got questions about our technology?
Find answers through this FAQ and learn more about our patented microwave technology.
How effective is the Pyrowave technology?
Pyrowave technology returns polystyrene (PS) to its pristine state. None of its properties are altered, allowing new products to be made with the same quality. Pyrowave microwaves can reach very high temperatures, destroying all contaminants. Pyrowave technology is the most powerful and highest yielding technology on the market, with liquid yields of nearly 98% on a pure PS basis. This means that for every ton of pure polystyrene injected, the PW6 reactor produces 980 kg of liquid containing the styrene monomer.
The amount of styrene in this liquid can reach 70%, which represents the highest styrene production rate in the industry.
Can Pyrowave technology remake food containers?
Microwaves heat can reach a high intensity, destroying all contaminants and returning the plastic to its basic constituents identical to virgin constituents. The qualities of polystyrene are not affected by the chemical recycling of the Pyrowave technology. Food packaging and containers produced with polystyrene recycled with Pyrowave technology therefore meet the same standards and food quality requirement as those made from virgin material.
Is the Pyrowave technology energy consuming?
Any process is energy-consuming. Pyrowave microwaves work with electricity, a source of renewable energy! Therefore, the Pyrowave technology consumes 15 times less energy and emits 5 to 7 times less GHGs compared with the manufacture of virgin polystyrene from petroleum.
The Pyrowave process consumes about 0.5 kWh of electricity per kg of pure material processed.
What is the quality level required for the polystyrene waste recycled by the Pyrowave technology?
The higher the quality of the plastic waste, the higher the efficiency of the Pyrowave technology. However, the microwave technology is very robust and can destroy most contaminants usually found in post-industrial and post-consumer plastic waste. Enquire with our team for additional information on the specifications.
Are the costs of recycled plastic with Pyrowave technology higher than those of virgin plastic?
The collection, transportation and sorting costs associated with post-consumer plastic recycling and the scarcity of the material make it expensive. The environmental benefits of recycling are essential to preserve our resources and our health. Governments could adopt mandatory recycled content targets for plastics to increase demand and reduce costs.